How we work together on orders from THE OTHER BORDEAUX/Australia.


  1. Tasting wine/sending samples, confirmation of wine/vintage/availability/price.
  2. Confirmation that the producer will be able to prepare and apply back labels and complete all relevant export paperwork such as the DAE.
  3. Confirmation of the date of a commercial opportunity for an order and estimated collection of the order.
  4. Bon de Commande/Purchase Order sent to the supplier, checked and confirmed.
  5. Receival of a proforma invoice from the producer. Invoice checks.
  6. Validation of back label models.
  7. Printing and application of back labels and preparation of the order.
  8. Payment of the invoice.
  9. Collection of the order by Hillebrand.

Contents: 1. Back Labels. 2. Invoices. 3. Payments/RIB/IBAN. 4. Samples. 5. Pallets. 6. Wood. 7. Collection by Hillebrand.


  1. BACK LABELS (NOT required for small numbers of samples):

 The back label proofs must be sent to me for validation BEFORE they are printed.

For the back labels, this is the only information that is required:

Imported by The Other Bordeaux, Level 1/120 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000. Wine of France. 750mL. X.x% ALC/VOL. X.x standard drinks. Contains sulphites [and traces of egg or milk]. Lot number XXX .


  1. Country of origin: France
  2. Name of food: Wine
  3. Alcohol content: X.x% ALC/VOL
  4. Standard drinks: X.x standard drinks . Standard drinks in Australia is given by this formula: Alcohol/% x 0.789 x 0.75/litres. See below for the details on how to write this. Here is the standard drinks calculator for the Australian Wine Research Institute (the equivalent of INRA, etc):
  5. Volume: 750mL for a standard bottle.
  6. Pregnancy warning, must be inside a black line and the use of RED and BLACK colours are a legal requirement:
  7. Name and address of importer: Imported by The Other Bordeaux, Level 1/120 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000
  8. Lot number XXX.This must directly correspond to the lot number for each product on the INVOICE. This is very important because it is the first thing that customs officers will check in Australia.
  9. Allergens: Must be declared if there are residues of more than 10ppm of sulphur dioxide or residues of milk or egg. Use the words “Contains Sulphites” or “Contains traces of egg” or “Contains traces of milk”.

All the essential information must be in English. So “Vin de France” or « contient des sulfites » are NOT acceptable. But « Wine of France » or « Contains Sulphites » are GOOD.

Please keep the style of the back labels as simple as possible. This is a model showing all that is actually required:

This is how to calculate standard drinks in Australia: 0.789 (this is a fixed mathematical factor) x 0.75 (bottle volume in litres) x alcohol by volume expressed as a percentage %. Please round-up to the nearest 0.1 standard drinks so for 14% alcohol: 14 x 0.789 x 0.75 = 8.28, so we say 8.3 standard drinks. And 13.5% gives 7.98 standard drinks but we round that up to 8.0. If you want a reliable Australian standard drinks calculator, download the Australian Wine Research Institute Winemaking Calculator app from the app store on your phone or here: . And click on this link to see the labelling instructions from the Australian Government’s own legislative organisation that is called Wine Australia:


An order is only confirmed once I have sent you a purchase order/ bon de commande. If there are any errors in the purchase order, please let me know straight away. Absolutely no changes to the information given in the purchase order (including which specific wines / vintages/ quantities/ prices) is allowed when preparing the order, without prior approval from me. If there are any changes required, these must be approved by me before an invoice is generated or the back label proofs are created, printed, or applied. Any discrepancy between the details given in the purchase order and the wine received will be considered a breach of contract.

The lot number for each wine is the most important detail and it must correspond with the lot numbers shown on the invoice because this is what the customs officers will check when they inspect the labels and invoice in Australia. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE LOT NUMBER FOR EACH PRODUCT IS ALSO CLEARLY IDENTIFIED ON YOUR INVOICE. Lot number on back label must = lot number on invoice .


It is now an obligation to “endorse” every invoice for the benefit of the government inspectors in Australia. This is how to do it:

Please print out your invoice and use your official business stamp (“timbre”) to stamp the invoice. Next to the stamp, please sign the document, write your name, position in the business (“owner”, “manager”, etc), and the date.  This is called “endorsement”. Please then send the endorsed invoice to me by email: .

THIS is HILLEBRAND’s example of invoice endorsement:

Or click here for the full document from Hillebrand: Endorsement and Lot Code Requirement for all Beverage and Food Imports 2023[4]

  • I will always pay your invoices before the order leaves your premises.
  • Please DO NOT send me your RIB or IBAN by email (for security reasons). I will phone you to get your IBAN. Or you can send the RIB to me by Whatsapp. My phone number in Australia is (+61) 0448101940.

When a small number of samples are being sent to me by airmail on their own (i.e. not as part of a larger order), please use Colissimo when it is possible to do so because when samples are sent to me with Colissimo we do not pay tax on them when they arrive in Australia. Colissimo is just as fast as DHL, FedEx, etc. On the invoice accompanying the samples, please state the correct commercial value of the wines but then apply to them a 100% discount and write clearly on the invoice “COMMERCIAL SAMPLES. NOT FOR RESEALE”. I am happy to pay for the cost of Colissimo for samples – just send me an invoice.

The address for samples is:

Storage King Lane Cove, Tom Munro,

27 Mars Road,



Phone: 0448 101 940


Please note that in this address it is necessary to write Storage King and not The Other Bordeaux because our postal address is at Storage King. Storage King is the owner of the building where we have our premises.


When the samples are being sent as part of a larger order, the samples must be included on the invoice. Please state their correct commercial value but then apply to them a 100% discount and write clearly on the invoice “COMMERCIAL SAMPLES. NOT FOR RESEALE”.


Please ensure all pallets weigh less than 900kgs and the maximum height is 1.6 metres. Please only use good quality pallets and make sure they are strongly packed, wrapped, and completely stable for their long journey to Australia. Reinforcing the corners of the pallets is a good idea. Please use wide pallets if possible (1165mm x 1165mm). The problem with the narrow “europallet” (800mm x 1200mm) is that they result in tall “towers” and these can fall over.

All pallets must be heat treated or NIMP15 compliant.

  1. WOOD

Please do NOT send any wine to me in wooden boxes because these become a biosecurity/quarantine problem when they arrive at customs in Australia.


Please stay in contact with Hillebrand Gori to organise a collection date and let me know when that date is so that we can organise the payment. And if you haven’t been contacted by Hillebrand Gori just let me know and I will speak to them straight away. Hillebrand Gori has many offices in France (Beaune +33 3 80 24 43 00  and Bordeaux tel:+33 556438085). You can contact Clement Mutin in the Beaune office directly too on . It is absolutely essential that the wine is collected in a temperature-controlled truck, even in winter. If there is any problem in this regard you must please not give the wine to the driver: just let me know or contact JF Hillebrand and we will organise a temperature-controlled truck to come back as soon as possible.

Please let me know if you have any questions or it there is anything I can help with in this regard.

With very best wishes,

